....And so our Mother & Daughter journey begins......



Konichiwa: Taro, Yoshino and Ken, 

You were our shinning stars leading the way throughout Japan!
Your gracious manners and unforgettable hospitality is cherished!

Many years ago,
Taro and I met through my Aunt Nancy who was an exchange mother for Taro in America. 
To me "Tri-pod" is my exchange cousin!
(Taro's nick name, ever since he showed up at a wedding over a decade ago, with a funny little three legged creature-like mechanism for his camera)

We miss you and hope you make it back to America soon!
Domo Arigato Tomodachi!

The Tanabe Family: Taro, Yoshino, Ken and Toyota. Including a special license plate with their special date!

Ken the Artist

Ken the Cutie!

Taro standing proud with his beautiful family!

Together we enjoyed our times in the financial district of Tokyo, Lunch at their lovely home in Oiso, along the hike to see the famous Mt. Fuji and the 105 YEN GO-AROUND!!! (Below)
5 little piggy's went to the GO-AROUND

The Go-Around was incredible. We could order anything we wanted. Type it into the touch screen menu and beep, beep the alarm would signal and there is your order. Pick it up, don't miss it! It could be a long wait away. This restaurant was grand and the conveyor belt went round and round, up and down, throughout many, many tables!

Taro knows how to eat it RIGHT! Yummy!

Mimi and Claudia may have the tongues but are still learning!

Yoshino does a great job too!

Ken has a mouthful, Looks good!


The Go-Around was sooooo BIG!


Built-in Instant hot water for our TEA!

A cluster of fantastic pictures will be posted separately with captions on a few of our favorite encounters with The Tanabe Family!
Flashback of Japan Oct 2010




what happen to that diet?

1 comment:

Taro Tanabe said...

Hi, Mimi and Claudia,
We have been waiting for your posting this for a long time. Thank you so much. It reminds us of good memories with you here in Japan. It was really enjoyable!! As almost 2 months have passed since you arrived at Tokyo, where are you both now? Hope you still have a lot of fun. We are all missing you and hope we can see you again soon, maybe in the USA. Keep in touch. Your exchange cousin, Tri-pad-Taro, Yoshino and Ken Tanabe.